Rewired Adult Coloring Book : An Adult Coloring Book for Emotional Awareness, Healthy Living and Recovery
Rewired Adult Coloring Book : An Adult Coloring Book for Emotional Awareness, Healthy Living and Recovery
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Author(s): Spiegelman, Erica
ISBN No.: 9781578266845
Pages: 96
Year: 201703
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 25.69
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Erica Spiegelman is a counselor, consultant, author, and motivational speaker who has made an indelible mark in the field of addiction recovery. She has founded a multi-media health and wellness platform, providing consulting and counseling solutions for clients by providing them with tools on how to reach emotional, mental and physical freedom. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Literature from the University of Arizona and a degree as a California State Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CADAC-II) from University of California, Los Angeles. Erica works with several treatment centers in California, including the Living Rebos Treatment Center, Klean Treatment Center, and Passages Malibu. She is a regular contributor to online health outlets, writes for Maria Shriver, and often co-hosts a weekly radio show Klean Radio on Sirius XM. Leighanna Hoyle is an author and illustrator who lives in Charlotte, NC with her wonderful husband and amazing pets. She spends most of her time crafting, including drawing, painting and sewing in her in-home studio. The rest of her time is spent with her pets, like her awesome dog Sarge and the reptiles that she rescues.

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