Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery
Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery
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Author(s): Speer, Brian
ISBN No.: 9781455746712
Pages: 928
Year: 201601
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 235.30
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Introduction/Foreword SECTION 1: ADVANCES IN AVIAN MEDICINE 1. Avian Medicine: An Overview A: A Historical View of Avian Medicine B: Specializing in Avian Medicine and its Practice C: Critical Thinking and Practical Application of Evidence-Based Medicine in Avian Practice 2. Infectious Disease A: The Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases B: Avian Bornavirus and PDD C: Psittacid Herpesviruses and Associated Diseases D: Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease E: Avian Influenza F: Aspergillosis G: Coccidial Diseases H: Macrorhabdosis I: Chlamydiosis J: Mycobacteriosis K: Usutu Virus 3. Neoplastic Diseases in Avian Species 4. Advancements in Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy A: Foundations in Avian Nutrition B: Advancements in Nutrition of Loridae C: Nutriceuticals 5. Behavioral Medicine 6. The Cardiovascular System 7. Advancements in Diagnosis and Management of Disorders of the Colon and Cloaca 8.

Pleura, Pericardium and Peritoneum: The Coelomic Cavities of Birds and There Relationship to the Lung-Air Sac System 9. The Nervous System 10. The Endocrine System A: Anatomy and Physiology of the Protein Hormones and the Glands that Produce Them B: Endocrinology of the Protein Hormones in Avian Species: Diseases C: Diagnosis and Treatment of Avian Endocrine Diseases 11. The Immune System 12. Reproduction A: Advancements in Methods for Improving Reproductive Success B: Advancements in Methods for Decreasing Reproductive Success 13. Advances in Clinical Pathology and Diagnostic Medicine A: Foundations in Avian Clinical Pathology B: Hematology C: Clinical Biochemistries D: Cytology E: Molecular Diagnostic Testing F. Diagnostic Testing of Age of Birds and its Applications 14. Advances in Diagnostic Imaging 15.

Management and Medicine of Backyard Poultry 16. Medicine of Strigiformes 17. Critical Care 18. Advancements in Diagnosis and Management of Toxicologic Problems SECTION 2: ADVANCES IN ANESTHESIA, ANALGESIA AND SURGERY 19. Anesthesia 20. Recognition, Assessment and Management of Pain in Birds 21. Surgery A: Principles of Microsurgery B: Surgical Approaches to the Ventral Coelom and Selected Procedures C: Surgical Approaches to the Left Lateral Coelom and Selected Procedures D: Proventriculotomy/Ventriculotomy E: Orthopedic Surgery SECTION 3: ADVANCES IN WELFARE, CONSERVATION, AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 22. Advancements in Management of the Welfare of Avian Species A: Foundations in Avian Welfare B: Animal Welfare Acts and Their Influence on Avian Welfare C: Wing Trimming or Deflighting Procedures - A Global View D: The Human-Avian Bond E: Euthanasia 23.

Conservation of Avian Species A: Foundations in Avian Conservation B: Advancements in Radiotelemetry C: The Spix's Macaw Recovery Program D: The Takahe Recovery Project E: The California Condor Recovery Project F: The Whooping Recovery Project 24. Practice Management and Risk Management A: Practice Management B: Managing Risk in Avian Practice C: The Forensic Necropsy SECTION 4: PATTERN RECOGNITION 25: A Global View of Common Conditions in Common Companion Bird Species A. Australia B. Europe C. North America D. Mexico and Central America E. South America F. Africa Appendices Appendix 1 Table of Common Drugs and Approximate Doses Appendix 2 Normal Clinical Pathologic Data Appendix 3 Normal Biologic Data.

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