Spon's House Improvement Price Book
Introduction 1. House Extensions - One Storey Flat Roof, One Storey Pitched Roof, Two Storey Flat Roof, Two Storey Pitched Roof 2. Loft Conversions - 4.5m x 4.5m, 4.5m x 5.5m, 4.5m x 6.
5m 3. Insulation Work 4. Damage Repairs - Emergency Measures, Fire Damage, Flood Damage, Gale Damage, Theft Damage 5. Kitchens 6. Alterations 7. Plant and Tool Hire - Tool and Equipment Hire, Access and Site Equipment, Lifting and Moving, Compaction, Breakers and Demolition, Power Tools, Welding and Generators, Pumping Equipment, Painting and Decorating.