This scripted, open-and-go program from math educator Kate Snow will give you the tools you need to teach math with confidence--even if you've never taught math before. Short, engaging, and hands-on lessons will help your child develop a strong understanding of math, step by step. Counting, comparing, and writing numbers to 100 Addition and subtraction facts to 20 Addition and subtraction word problems Beginning place-value and mental math Shapes, money, time, and measurement Your student will develop both strong number sense and a positive attitude toward math with fun activities like Addition Bingo, Pretend Store, and Measurement Scavenger Hunt. All you'll need are this Instructor Guide, the Student Workbook, and simple household items (like play money, pattern blocks, objects to count, and a ruler) to make math come alive for your child. Short, hands-on, and developmentally-appropriate lessons Games, movement, and pretend activities make math fun Easy to use, with clear directions and explanatory notes Delightful (and optional) weekly enrichment lessons, with picture book recommendations and real-life math extension activities Memory work and daily review to ensure children retain what they've learned and master essential skills.
First Grade Math with Confidence Instructor Guide