Preface and Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Durkheim's Life and the Four Major Books Situating Durkheim - early life and training - The Division of Labor - The Rules of Sociological Method - Suicide - the middle career phase - L'Année Sociologique - the Elementary Forms - death. Chapter 2: Durkheim's Other Works and the Contributions of His Students The variety of outputs - individualism - socialism - ethics- the state - sex/gender/family/marriage- pragmatism -education - the body - punishment - classification - Mauss - Hertz - Hubert - other students in the Année team. Chapter 3: Durkheimian Thought 1917-1950 France-the fate of Durkheim's team - Mauss the gift and the body - Halbwachs and collective memory - Bataille and the Collège de Sociologie - England and structural functionalist anthropology - Radcliffe-Brown - Evans-Pritchard - the United States - Parsons - Merton. Chapter 4: Through the Cultural Turn 1950-1985 Parsons and systems theory - the fall of Parsons - Germany - Lévi-Strauss - British anthropology - Mary Douglas - Durkheimian empirical sociology in the United States. Chapter 5: Into the Twenty-First Century: Durkheim Revived Durkheim neglected - the rise of cultural sociology in the United States - Jeffrey Alexander and the Strong Program - Randall Collins and interaction ritual - Other Durkheimian work in the United States - the Durkheimian Studies/Études Durkheimiennes Group - Germany - adaptations of Mary Douglas on grid/group - evolutionary psychology- the return of normative Durkheimian theory. References.
Durkheim and After : The Durkheimian Tradition, 1893-2020