Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab Reading MyLab(tm) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. When students enter your developmental reading course with varying skill levels, MyLab can help you identify which students need extra support and provide targeted practice and instruction outside of class. Learn more about MyLab Reading. About the book Unmatched reading selection: New - Added readings include many engaging, relevant topics such as freedom of speech within the classroom and living with autism. Other high-interest topics include battling procrastination, conservation of Earth''s resources, managing stress in college, technology and health, climate change, and more. New - Examples from respected sources such as the United States'' National Archive, the Associated Press, and The Guardian are shown to model strong writing. New - Lexile levels have been added next to longer readings in the new edition to help instructors guide students appropriately.
A long reading selection accompanies the vocabulary chapter, in response to reviewers'' suggestions from earlier editions. Short excerpts freshen many of the practice exercises. A collection of themed readings concludes Chapter 10: Critical Thinking. The introduction and readings in the collection explore the interwoven threads of technology, crime, and ethics, and challenge students to analyze, synthesize, and respond. Emphasis on critical thinking: Think Critically About the Selection features follow each of the 28 long reading selections to encourage extended thinking about topics that are raised in the readings. In some cases, this feature connects with the Write About the Selection feature that also follows each reading. Discussion and practice exercises on barriers to critical thinking - such as cultural conditioning, self-deception, and oversimplification - appear throughout. Identifying fallacies in critical thinking and in evaluating arguments is an area of great focus and practice.
Explicit and inferential questions accompany each longer textbook reading selection. Multiple-choice items are labeled as main idea, inference, or detail questions. Chapter organization reflects the widespread offering of student success courses that orient students to topics such as time management, cognitive styles, and routines of college life. Chapter 1 emphasizes concerns common to college readers : causes and cures for poor concentration while reading, reading rate and efficiency, and strategies for reading comprehension tests. In response to reviewers'' suggestions, topics that students need early in the course now appear closer to the beginning of the text. Chapter 2 explores the three stages of reading. Chapter 3 covers note taking and the study process. Chapter 4 has a new reading selection that provides authentic practice with vocabulary strategies .
Chapter 5: Main Idea and Supporting Details, Chapter 6: Patterns of Organization, Chapter 7: Inference, and Chapter 8: Point of View comprise the main body of the text. Coverage of graphic illustrations (Chapter 9) and critical thinking (Chapter 10) conclude the text. A Features Chart on the first page of the book provides a quick, convenient reference to topics and page numbers for the Vocabulary Boosters and Concept Preps. Academic content for application beyond the classroom: Selections from actual textbooks are used for practice exercises. Many academic disciplines are represented throughout, including psychology, history, communication, business, health, sociology, criminal justice, philosophy, science, and literature; the latter includes the essay, short story, poetry, and narrative forms, and persuasive and expository nonfiction forms. Strong reading pedagogy is designed to build schemata . Build Background Knowledge - Videos accompany each of the longer readings in the text and offer links to engaging videos and apparatus that stimulate interest, develop background knowledge, and enrich understanding. Vocabulary is presented in context, with vocabulary exercises following each of the longer textbook reading selections.
In addition to the end-of-chapter Vocabulary Booster lessons, a broad range of vocabulary development topics and corresponding exercises are presented in Chapter 4. Brain Boosters add brief, well-researched conclusions from neuroscientific research. They offer insights about how human brains learn and how to make the most of the brain''s power. QR codes accompany the end-of-chapter reading selections. Scanning the code with a smartphone opens an audio presentation of the selection to access auditory learning modalities. Video clips, in the Build Background Knowledge feature, enhance the longer readings. These engaging videos present students with another perspective on some aspect or theme of the reading selection and encourage real-world connections. Concept Prep is an innovative feature that helps students develop schematic and prior knowledge for later academic success.
Key concepts, from a variety of academic disciplines, are paired with the subject matter in many of the longer reading selections. These selected concepts, reflecting core knowledge from each academic discipline, are an important part of the shared cultural heritage of educated thinkers. Career information related to the discipline is also provided. Establish a Purpose for Reading preview activities promote text-to-self connections by recalling prior knowledge and experiences, to encourage predictions, and to state a purpose. Check out the preface for a complete list of features and what''s new in this edition. Reach every student with MyLab Teach your course your way: Your course is unique. So whether you''d like to build your own assignments, teach multiple sections, or set prerequisites, MyLab gives you the flexibility to easily create your course to fit your needs. Empower each learner: Each student learns at a different pace.
Personalized learning pinpoints the precise areas where each student needs practice, giving all students the support they need - when and where they need it - to be successful. MyLab Reading diagnoses students'' strengths and weaknesses through a pre-assessment known as the Path Builder, and offers up a personalized Learning Path. Students then receive targeted practice and multimodal activities to help them improve over time. MyLab Reading uses The Lexile ® Framework for Reading to diagnose a student''s reading ability. After an initial Locator Test, students receive readings and practice at their estimated reading level. Throughout the course, periodic diagnostic tests incrementally adjust their level with increasing precision. Deliver trusted content New - MyLab Reading is now available with the loose-leaf version of Bridging the Gap. Improve student results : When you teach with MyLab, student performance often improves.
That''s why instructors have chosen MyLab for over 15 years, touching the lives of over 50 million students.