Home Girls, 40th Anniversary Edition : A Black Feminist Anthology
Home Girls, 40th Anniversary Edition : A Black Feminist Anthology
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Author(s): Smith, Barbara
ISBN No.: 9781978839007
Pages: 506
Year: 202310
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 89.11
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Preface to the 40th Anniversary Edition Preface to the first Rutgers University Press Edition Introduction Poem, Akasha (Gloria) Hull I. The Blood--Yes, the Blood For a Godchild, Regina, On the Occasion of Her First Love, Toi Derricotte The Damned, Toi Derricotte Hester's Song, Toi Derricotte The Sisters, Alexis De Veaux Debra, Michelle T. Clinton If I Could Write This in Fire, I would Write This In Fire, Michelle Cliff The Blood--Yes, The Blood: A Conversation, Cenen and Barbara Smith Something Latino Was Up With Us, Spring Redd "I Used to Think", Chirlane McCray The Black Back-Ups, Kate Rushin Home, Barbara Smith II. Artists Without Art Form "Under The Days": The buried Life and Poetry of Angelina Weld Grimké, Akasha (Gloria) Hull The Black Lesbian in American Literature: An Overview, Ann Allen Shockley Artists Without Art Form, Renita Weems I've Been Thinking of Diana Sands, Patricia Jones A Cultural Legacy Denied and Discovered: Black Lesbians in Fiction by Women, Jewelle L. Gomez What It Is I Think She's Doing Anyhow: A Reading of Toni Cade Bambara's The Salt Eaters , Akasha (Gloria) Hull III. Black Lesbians--Who Will Fight For Our Lives But Us? Tar Beach, Audre Lorde Before I Dress and Soar Again, Donna Allegra LeRoy's Birthday, Raymina Y. Mays The Wedding, Barbara Smith Maria de las Rosas, Becky Birtha Miss Esther's Land, Barbara A. Banks The Failure to Transform: Homophobia in the Black Community, Cheryl Clarke Where Will You Be? Pat Parker IV.

A Home Girls' Album V. A Hell of a Place to Ferment a Revolution Among the Things That Used to Be, Willie M. Coleman From Sea to Shining Sea, June Jordan Women of Summer, Cheryl Clarke The TIred Poem: Last Letter from a Typical Unemployed Black Professional Woman, Kate Rushin Shoes Are Made for Walking, Shirley O. Steele Billy de Lye, Deirdre McCalla The Combahee River Collective Statement, Combahee River Collective Black Macho and Black Feminism, Linda C. Powell Black Lesbian/Feminist Organizing: A Conversation, Tania Abdulahad, Gwendolyn Rogers, Barbara Smith, Jameelah Waheed For Strong Women, Michelle T. Clinton The Black Goddess, Kate Rushin Women's Spirituality: A Household Act, Luisah Teish Only Justice Can Stop a Curse, Alice Walker Coalition Politics: Turning the Century, Bernice Johnson Reagon Acknowledgments Information on Contributors.

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