CONTENTSPART I: CHARTING THE HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE AND THEORETICAL FRONTIERS OF DIASPORA NATIONALISMS Diasporas and Homelands in History: The Case of the Classic Diasporas Anthony D. Smith Beyond the Homeland: From Exilic Nationalism to Diasporic Transnationalism Khachig Tölölyan Contemporary Diasporas, Nationalism, and Transnationalism Politics Chantal Bordes-Benayoun PART II: CLASSIC DIASPORAS IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURYDiaspora's Liberal Nationalism and the Call of the Homeland: The American Jewish Case Allon Gal American Jewish Identity and New Patterns of Philanthropy Chaim I. Waxman Imagining Armenia Simon Payaslian From Greek-Orthodox Diaspora to Transnational Hellenism: Greek Nationalism and the Identities of the Diaspora Victor Roudometof PART III: THE CALL OF THE HOMELAND: MODERN CASES OF DIASPORA NATIONALISMDiaspora, the Irish, and Irish Nationalism Donald Harman Akenson Diaspora Nationalism: The Turkish Case Jacob M. Landau Cry for an Endangered Homeland? The Contours of Sikh Diasporic Nationalism since 1984 Darshan S. Tatla The Ukrainian Diaspora Wsevolod W. Isajiw PART IV: THE RELIGIOUS DYNAMICS OF HEIMAT AND DISPERSALDiaspora Consciousness, Nationalism, and 'Religion': The Case of Hindu Nationalism John Zavos Homeland and Diaspora: The Case of Pentecostalism David Martin "Muslim Nationalism" and the Politics of Otherness in the Age of Neo-Diaspora Rivka Yadlin.
The Call of the Homeland : Diaspora Nationalisms, Past and Present