For every practical person, there is a perfect practical career, and for many young people it could be becoming an electrician. This book will help readers thinking about a career in the trades discover if working as an electrician is the right choice for them. All the many different jobs available as an electrician are explored, from working in residential through commercial sites, employment in the military, and beyond. This book explains what each job is like and the qualifications and training needed to land the positions. It sets out earning potential and also discusses how to future-proof a practical career against technological advancements. Important factors to take on board before embarking on a career as an electrician are explained, including pros and cons of the job and considerations such as insurance and taxes. The book also provides plenty of exciting information about why now is an ideal time to pursue a practical career and highlights how other people have built very successful careers as electricians. Unhelpful myths surrounding gender are dispelled, explaining that both men and women can be electricians.
The book also showcases some inspirational women who have built successful careers in the field. Great tips and advice about applying for jobs or training are included, along with interview techniques, questions to ask training providers or employers, and next steps to take. The many benefits of having a practical career are explored, and the lucrative and satisfying paths people can pursue in this field are described in detail. The book also emphasizes how being practical is a real asset in today's job market and why building a career in the trades is a great choice for any young person exploring their future. It is an ideal career guidance tool for middle school and high school readers.