Entry Level Respiratory Therapist Exam Guide is a must-have for anyone planning to take the entry-level respiratory certification exam. It is designed to thoroughly prepare the user by discussing every testable subject that appears on the certification examination. Every chapter includes suggestions on how to prepare for the examination and hints on frequently tested topics. In addition, each chapter features NBRC-type review questions with rationales for correct and incorrect answers. Finally, to help the test-taker better prepare for the real examination, a practice pretest and posttest modeled on the real NBRC examination are included on an accompanying CD-ROM. Exam Hint boxes point out subjects that are frequently tested, helping students determine how to study, plan their time, and improve their test-taking skills. Each chapter ends with self-study questions, accompanied by an answer key and rationale for each answer. The accompanying CD-ROM features pre- and post-tests that allow students to test themselves before and after they have reviewed, and gives them an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the computerized exam format.
Difficulty Level Codes (Recall, Application, and Analysis) are included with each topic so students can prepare for questions in the way that is most appropriate (e.g. memorization for recall or synthesis for analysis). For every topic covered, an NBRC Examination Matrix and Content Outline Code is given so students can find the topics in the Matrix and be sure that they have covered every possible topic that might appear on the exam. Completely revised to reflect the latest Examination Matrix and Content Outline, helping students prepare for what to expect on the exams.