"The word inflammation is from the Latin word inflammare, which means 'to set on fire'." A DEVASTATING DIAGNOSIS A DIVINE ENCOUNTER A DESTINY TRANSFORMED I looked for the ivy growing on the shed and was stunned to discover the fire had burned everything to a crisp. "Don't be afraid." He extended His hand. My mind assured me I must be delirious; my heart assured me I was not. And for the first of many times, I placed my hand in His. In this lyrical and beautifully crafted memoir Sandra Siemens shares her story of receiving a devastating diagnosis of Crohn's disease and the encounters with God she experienced as a result. Her story will resonate with anyone walking through suffering and longing for answers from God on the journey.
Sandra's diagnosis left her changed forever. Her divine encounters left her transformed. Her intriguing story will inspire you to embark on your own unforgettable and life-changing journey through trials and into trust.