Series Editor's Introduction, Vladimir Zwass; Acknowledgments; 1. The State of Systems Analysis and Design Research, John Erickson and Keng Siau; PART I. TECHNIQUES FOR SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND REQUIREMENTS ELICITATION; 2. Flow-Service-Quality (FSQ) Systems Engineering: A Discipline for Developing Network-Centric Information Systems, Alan Hevner, Richard Linger, Mark Pleszkoch, Stacy Prowell, and Gwendolyn Walton; 3. Requirements of Elicitation Techniques as Communication Channels: A Framework to Widen the Window of Understanding, Robert M. Fuller and Christopher J. Davis; PART II. METHODOLOGY FOUNDATION AND EVOLUTION OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN; 4.
Iteration in Systems Analysis and Design: Cognitive Processes and Representational Artifacts, Nicholas Berente and Kalle Lyytinen; 5. A Framework for Identifying the Drivers of ISD Method Emergence, Sabine Madsen and Karlheinz Kautz; 6. Transition to Agile Software Development in a Large-Scale Project: A System Analysis and Design Perspective, Yael Dubinsky, Orit Hazzan, David Talby, and Arie Keren; PART III. AGENT-ORIENTED SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN METHODOLOGIES; 7. Agent-Oriented Information Systems Analysis and Design: Why and How, Paolo Giorgini, Manuel Kolp and John Mylopoulos; 8. Agent-Oriented Methods and Method Engineering, B. Henderson-Sellers; PART IV. NEW APPROACH AND ARCHITECTURE FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT; 9.
Application of the Fact-Based Approach to Domain Modeling of Object-Oriented Information Systems, Kinh Nguyen and Tharam Dillon; 10. Systematic Derivation and Evaluation of Domain-Specific and Implementation-Independent Software Architectures, K. Suzanne Barber and Thomas Graser; 11. OO-Method: A Conceptual Schema-Centric Development Approach, Oscar Pastor, Juan Carlos Molina, Emilio Iborra Editors and Contributors; Series Editor; Index.