Preface Acknowledgements Introduction Editorial Method List of Abbreviations William Clark A Dictionarie in English and Latine for Children, and Yong Beginners (1602) Robert Cawdrey A Table Alphabeticall, 2nd ed. (1609) [I. B.] John Bullokar An English Expositor: Teaching the Interpretation of the Hardest Words Vsed in Our Language (1616) Henry Cockeram The English Dictionarie: Or, an Interpreter of Hard English Words (1623) Edmund Coote The English Schoole-Master (1627) Thomas Blount Glossographia: Or a Dictionary (1656) Edward Phillips The New World of English Words: Or, a General Dictionary (1658) John Ray A Collection of English Words, Not Generally Used (1674) Elisha Coles An English Dictionary (1676) Anonymous Gazophylacium Anglicanum (1689) Abel Boyer The Royal Dictionary (1699) [J. K.] John Kersey A New English Dictionary (1702) John Kersey A New World of Words: Or, Universal English Dictionary, 6th ed., rev. by John Kersey (1706) Anonymous Glossographia Anglicana Nova: Or, a Dictionary (1707) John Kersey [Philobibl.
] Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum (1708) Nathan Bailey An Universal Etymological Dictionary (1721) Thomas Dyche The Spelling Dictionary (1725) B. N. [Benjamin Norton] Defoe A Compleat Dictionary (1735) Nathan Bailey Dictionarium Britannicum, 2nd ed. (1736) Thomas Dyche and William Pardon A New General English Dictionary, 2nd ed. (1737) Samuel Johnson The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language (1747) Benjamin Martin Lingua Britannica Reformata: Or, A New English Dictionary (1749) Samuel Johnson A Dictionary of the English Language (1755) Joseph Nicol Scott A New Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1755) Samuel Johnson A Dictionary of the English Language . Abstracted (1756) James Buchanan Linguae Britannicae Vera Pronunciato: Or, A New English Dictionary (1757) William Johnston A Pronouncing and Spelling Dictionary (1764) John Trusler The Difference between Words, Esteemed Synonymous, in the English Language (1766) William Kenrick A New Dictionary of the English Language: Containing, Not Only the Explanation of Words . but Likewise, Their Orthoepia or Pronunciation (1773) James Barclay A Complete and Universal English Dictionary on a New Plan (1774) John Ash The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1775) William Perry The Royal Standard English Dictionary (1775) John Walker A Dictionary of the English Language (1775) Thomas Sheridan A General Dictionary of the English Language (1780) Francis Grose A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1785) John Walker A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language (1791) Hester Lynch Piozzi British Synonymy (1794) Noah Webster A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (1806) Noah Webster An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) Dictionaries with Their Complete Titles Bibliography Index.