Sex in the Air
Sex in the Air
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Author(s): Selby, Roger Frank
ISBN No.: 9781909840768
Pages: 202
Year: 201307
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 16.55
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

SONJA WAS A TYPICAL flying instructor, most of the time, but she was a remarkably shapely woman all the time. Patrick T Camberwell tried to concentrate on his flying, despite the left breast in contact with his right arm - this hidden, feminine part of her, bouncing with each ripple of the turbulent summer air. So far the cross-country had been difficult, if not disastrous. The aircraft was not the usual Robin. It was the same basic type, of course, but many instruments were subtly different. The airspeed indicator was calibrated in kilometres per hour as well as knots - this had been pretty distracting during the takeoff and climb out. Minor controls were also in different positions, and worst of all, the radio was weak and crackly. Humiliatingly, Sonja had helped him out when he''d had trouble understanding the air traffic controller while he negotiated a military zone crossing.

But now he''d settled down a bit and things were going reasonably well, provided he made a big play of doing his lookout and FREDA check every so often. He was even holding his course fairly well on this long leg. ''It gets very hot in here, ja?'' Ja, it was getting hot, now she mentioned it. ''Yes, these bubble canopies become greenhouses in the sunshine, don''t they?'' Despite the long streets of fair-weather cumulous - stretching from just above, to the far horizon - they were still in strong sunlight much of the time. He looked around for the air vent lever . Jesus, that was different too - and the bloody thing seemed to be jammed closed! Patrick hated to ask her to help out again, but she was already on the case. ''Here, I try it .'' She leaned across him in the tight cockpit to reach the knob and, while she fiddled, her breast jiggled deliciously in the crook of his forearm; she almost seemed to be doing it deliberately.

He glanced at her. A beautiful woman with light blue eyes, she wore her long, dark hair pinned up - cleared for action, he imagined. She smiled. ''No, it is stuck. I think there is plenty enough to breathe, but it gets warmer.'' Almost reluctantly, she sat back again, with a big sigh - which he didn''t hear, but felt, via more breast pressure on his arm. Jesus, this bosom contact was beginning to affect him. He glanced down.

Yes! He tried to ease his four-point harness to cover his growing problem, but she''d already noticed. Sonja didn''t miss a trick. ''Time for another lookout scan, Patrick,'' she nagged. A slim white glider, fast cruising between the thermals under the streets of cloud, passed 500ft below, well clear. She''d already seen that too. God, it''s hot in here. ''You must learn to keep up your scan, whatever distract you.'' And with that, she removed her headset, loosened her shoulder harness and took off her shirt.

She threw it behind her into the aft stowage. Wow, it''s hotter now! OK, she had a bra on, a black one, which she filled out very well. But bras, unlike bikini tops are rather private items, very much a prelude to sex from a male viewpoint. Patrick''s preliminary erection became full blown. He groaned down the intercom, but she already had her headset back on. ''What the matter? It is hot - we make ourselves comfortable, I do, anyway. Sauna much hotter than this.'' ''I guess so, Sonja.

'' Sauna? She would look spectacular in a sauna . He tried to relax and control the aeroplane more smoothly. ''That much better. You are now enjoying the flight and the view.'' ''Oh, yeah!'' He certainly was, but which view did she mean? He glanced across at her. She looked up from his straining crotch and smiled. ''I enjoy view too!'' Bugger their respective views, he had to fly this aircraft and keep a lookout! Then FREDA again: Fuel, Radio, Engine, Direction, Altimeter. It was hard in this heat and with other things on his mind.

How long to the next waypoint? Fifteen minutes. His shirt was dripping with perspiration. ''You are doing so well, Patrick. I make you more comfortable.'' She loosened his shoulder harness and pulled his shirt out from under the quick-release. ''Now I fly while you get comfortable yourself. I have control.'' ''You have control,'' he responded, relinquishing the stick and rudder to her.

Annoyingly, the aircraft steadied as if it were on autopilot. He got his almost dripping shirt right off, stowed it and prepared to take over again. She glanced across at him and flicked her steel-blue eyes down again. ''Are you quite sure you are comfortable?'' He followed her gaze. He certainly was not! ''It is OK. You are wearing shorts underneath, ja?'' He was wearing boxers, ja. ''I guess I''ll get more comfortable, then,'' he grinned. Keeping his feet well clear of the rudder pedals, he unclipped his knee-board, passed it to Sonja, and pulled off his trousers.

They slipped easily over the heels of his flying trainers. ''Ah, that''s better, Sonja; thank you.'' Without top clothes, the heat was no problem. This was pleasant. His huge erection (well maintained by the slightly scratchy push of her left bra cup against his right arm) was evident, but not obscene while tented by his boxers. It was still not clear if the woman beside him was just very relaxed about such things or wanted to proceed further - and there were clearly limits, in this small cockpit with an aircraft demanding to be flown. ''Now I get my trousers off too. You have control.

'' ''I have control.'' But he watched as she uncovered her long legs and reached forward to grab and stow the trousers. ''You keep a good lookout - and stay on course.'' Oops, he was more than ten degrees off already! He scanned the sky as he corrected. Nothing - oh, just that big high-wing job over to the left on a similar height and heading. Well clear, and being on his port side, the other aircraft''s responsibility to stay clear. ''I''ll keep an eye on him.'' He pointed out the traffic.

''Very good. Now do those FREDA checks.'' ''I just did, Sonja.'' ''Do them again.'' He did, aware that she was wriggling a little. Finally he could spare a glance across at her. Her creamy thighs still stretched out beautifully from black knickers . But that scratchy breast pressing against his arm, now felt cool and silky smooth .

Silky smooth skin; the bra had gone. Her left nipple nodded amiably over his boxers as its supporting breast bobbed in the light turbulence. She''s crossed the line. This is a definite enticement - and Lucy''s waiting for me back at Greenfield . Her other breast performing its own casual lookout over the right side of the bubble canopy reminded him of his duties. He glanced rapidly left to check on that other aircraft. Still well clear. ''That traffic remains well clear.

And we have right of way.'' ''Ja. I have control.'' ''You have control.'' ''You are doing very well with me distracting you, Patrick. Relax a bit while I fly. Can you please scratch my back? I have the little itch where my brassiere strap was cutting in. I hope you didn''t mind me taking it off.

'' ''Of course not .'' She leaned forward and he dutifully scratched her offered back. There were marks left by the heavy-duty garment. It was probably quite a relief for her to shed it. But surely that was not the only reason? Her unfettered boobs looked absolutely delicious. Before he knew it, he''d reached around her and taken firm support of each smooth, cool breast, one in each hand. He watched her eyes close momentarily, and heard her deep sigh on the intercom. He felt the delicious weight and softness of her tits; he fondled her nipples until they stood proud.

He simply couldn''t resist her. Her left hand strayed across to the tip of the pole under his taut boxers. It then slipped under the waistband and had him out and upstanding in the cockpit. Ah that felt good! ''You have control, Patrick.'' ''Ah, I have control, Sonja.'' He let go of only one breast as he took the control stick with his throttle hand. With her own hands full, Sonja didn''t seem to notice the irregularity. Her mouth was down upon him in a heartbeat.

The warm wetness of it enveloped his cock. He could feel her tongue licking around the head and then the shaft as she took him deeper in her mouth. My lovely instructor has gone down on me! His mind a-jumble, he tried to concentrate on his flying - someone had to do it! He looked around. That other aircraft . Where was it now? He looked up higher, searching . Shit! It''s close. Not dangerously so, but the pilot up high could probably see the topless inhabitants of the bubble cockpit below, the woman performing fellatio in all her glory. ''I have control!'' ''You have control.

'' he relinquished as Sonja smoothly made a safe-distancing manoeuvre, turning right and down. ''He should have kept clear of us, being on our port side .'' ''Ja - I think he was peeping at us. He is clear now?'' ''He''s changed course to the left. He''s dropping away, accelerating ahead . Well clear now.'' ''So. You can put your hands, back where they were on my body - it is nice while I fly .

Mmmmm! What shall we do now? You like a sauna and a cup of tea?'' ''Well, er, yes, but .'' ''Give me the track from our present position to here.'' She marked the map with her chinagraph and passed it to him. He measured the angle with his square protractor. ''125 degrees magnetic.'' She rolled onto that heading, allowing for drift, looking carefully around as she did so. ''You can hold me again.'' While he handled her tits, she pressed the radio "tit".

''Greenfield Radio this is ah, Alpha Zulu.'' ''Alpha Zulu, pass your message.'' ''Change of flight plan. A.

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