Dr Euclid Seeram was formerly the Program Head of the Medical Imaging Degree at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, where he worked for 38 years, where he served the Medical Imaging education and clinical practice communities; and earned an excellence in teaching award. Currently, Euclid has the following honorary academic appoints at Monash University; Charles Sturt University; and University of Canberra; in Australia. He is a full member of the Health Physics Society, and served as external examiner for 5 PhD dissertations on CT, from the University of Sydney. Euclid has published more than 55 papers in peer-reviewed radiologic technology journals, and has published 24 textbooks on CT physics and technology and radiographic sciences. He serves on editorial boards for Radiography; Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal; International Journal of Radiology and Medical Imaging; Open Journal of Radiology; Journal of Allied Health; Journal of Social Science & Allied Health Professions. He is on the international advisory panel for the Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences.
X-Ray Imaging Systems for Biomedical Engineering Technology : An Essential Guide