Hey, Tiger--You Need to Move Your Mark Back : 9 Simple Words That Changed the Game of Golf Forever
Hey, Tiger--You Need to Move Your Mark Back : 9 Simple Words That Changed the Game of Golf Forever
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Author(s): Scott, Steve
ISBN No.: 9781510765290
Pages: 256
Year: 202107
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 25.69
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

"I witnessed an act of incredible sportsmanship by Steve Scott in that epic US Amateur finals match at Pumpkin Ridge back in 1996. I applauded it at the time, and even more so today." --PHIL KNIGHT, cofounder of Nike "The '96 US Amateur had all the check marks on it. It was the first big golf event that I ever hosted with a prime-time audience, and it was truly magical stuff. Steve Scott and Tiger Woods will be attached in amateur golf history forever." --DAN HICKS, lead host of NBC's award-winning golf coverage and the Olympic Games for nearly thirty years "Of all the matches I reported as an analyst for almost thirty years for NBC Golf, Steve Scott's finals match with Tiger was the Most Exciting Drama I ever witnessed in my career! It was so close to being one of the biggest upsets in golf history, had Steve not told Tiger to move his mark back." --JOHNNY MILLER, two-time major champion winner and world golf hall of famer "Being there, witnessing game-changing history at Pumpkin Ridge, was one of the highlights of my time in serving golf. The act of sportsmanship of Steve Scott is was what makes golf so special.

I will never forget it. It was the stuff, truly, of Bobby Jones." --RON READ, longtime starter for the US Open " Hey Tiger-- is a beautiful story of these eight poignant moments in time: A two-time defending US Amateur champion, a thrilling and unbelievable comeback, a meaningful 'oh, by the way' act of sportsmanship, a girlfriend/caddie later to become a wife, the world's wealthiest marshal, a captivating 38-hole marathon on national television., and a new USGA venue that would soon host 6 championships in 10 years. What a moment frozen in time for Pumpkin Ridge, Steve Scott, and Tiger Woods." --GAY DAVIS, cofounder of Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club "This game we love so much has a central principal: Play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if you cannot do either, do what is fair. Hey Tiger--You Need to Move Your Mark Back , is Tripp Bowden's fourth book. Bowden's previous three tell many very different real-life golf stories, but all converge on the true spirit of golf--do what is fair, do what is right.

Steve Scott did just that on the 34th hole of that unforgettable August 25th day at glorious Pumpkin Ridge. May all of us who play, and love golf, do the same." --DR. JOE, retired surgeon, active Episcopal priest at St. Paul's in Augusta, Georgia.

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