With the current political climate, it's necessary for us to look at the issues and ourselves with a critical mind. By this, I mean that we have to be more accepting to other ideas. When we look at what we hold dear, we think our thoughts are the only right and moral way to look at the issue. We can't imagine the possibility that others can have a difference of opinion. Are they so blind that they can't see the truth in front of their eyes? It's so easy to see the truth if you just think it through. But if you take the time to think it through yourself, you'd see that yours is not the only way. Just because someone else may not agree with you doesn't make them wrong. It also doesn't make you right.
It just makes them different. It doesn't matter what the issue is; you have your opinions just like others have their opinions. Abortion, climate change, economics, gun control, immigration, religion, race, no matter what issue you hold dear, someone is going to disagree with you. You can think that you have all the facts on your side, but do you? Do you have proof? Do you have evidence that no one can disprove? I don't think so, and if you think about it, neither do you. Years ago, the greatest minds told us that that world was flat. They had proof. They had evidence. They were wrong.
What was it that proved them wrong? It was curiosity and critical thinking. That same philosophy can be used to think through the issues of our time. The first step in this process is to take what we know and talk about it. Then we can take what others know and think about it. If we take the time to listen to others, we can see that we're the same as those that we believe are against us. We breathe the same air, have the same struggles, and hope for a better world just like the person we despise across the aisle from us. The difference between us is the journey we've taken to get to where we are. Whether you're conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, Socialist; we all hope that our dreams can become a reality.
It's how we approach this idea that makes us different. Once we realize that we're different, we can begin to understand that we're also the same. When I started this book, I wanted to tell others why they were wrong, but I was wrong. I'm no better than you, and you're no better than me. We all have our faults, and we all have our strengths. We all hope that others will understand us, but we're missing one key piece of the puzzle. We also need to know others before we can begin to have the conversation. By conversation, I don't mean screaming at one another to get our point across.
All that does is further the divide. We need to calmly and rationally accept the opinions of others. When we do this, we can give our point of view on the issue and hope that those we're talking to will also calmly and rationally accept what we have to say. That being said, we also have to understand that we may not have all the information needed to fully understand the issue. If you don't know all the information, how can you be sure that your opinion is the only correct opinion? So, why is this book titled You Suck; And So Do I? Because you do suck. You can't possibly be right about everything. You can think it all you want; it's just not true. You can use your experiences and your beliefs to draw conclusions, but that doesn't make them right.
It's the same for me. There is no way that I can be right about everything. I may not even be right about anything. This is why we call, what we believe to be true, our beliefs.