Dr Christopher L Scott has been walking battlefields for over 40 years, analysing ground and tactics. He has taken numerous groups around the battlefields of Britain, the sites of both Marlborough's and Wellington's victories in Europe, and ran tours of Crecy and Agincourt. In 2002 Chris co-founded the Guild of Battlefield Guides and served for ten years as a member of Council and Director of Validation. He was given the Guild's most prestigious awards being placed on its roll of honour and made a Fellow.Chris has lectured for the British Councils Organisation, was part of a British delegation to the Zulu War Centennial Ceremony and represented Great Britain at an International Congress of Historical Sciences. He has also lectured for the British Commission for Military History and The Battlefields Trust for whom he was a Trustee. He is a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fletchers, a member of the Naval & Military Club, the Royal Historical Society, and President of the Wyvern Military Dining Club.Early in his career he worked as an actor and 'general dogsbody' in the theatre before becoming a teacher; he has since been a school Head of Department, a Director of a Further Education College and the Head of Education for the Royal Armouries in Leeds, and the Tower of London - from where he escaped in 1996.
He acted as a consultant to the redesign of the Army Medical Services Museum, Aldershot in 2003 and is now a trustee and Chairman of the Story Committee for the new Museum of Military Medicine destined for Cardiff.Chris is a well-published military historian with over ten books to his name including two collaborations with David Chandler. One of his most recent books, a ground-breaking investigation into the militia of the Monmouth Rebellion, was published by Ashgate.Chris Scott was awarded his PhD in 17thC military history from Cranfield University where he was mentored by Prof. Richard Holmes, and he currently freelances as a lecturer, battlefield tour guide, author and consultant in museology. An active wargamer and reenactor he retired as the Lord General of the Roundhead Association Army in the English Civil War Society and currently serves as a musketeer in Devereux's Regiment. If he manages to get any free time he likes to eat curry and go hotel-hopping with his wife Pam, or walk a battlefield!.