Jonathan Schwarz's new thirteenth edition of Booth: Residence, Domicile and UK Taxation provides a crisp analysis of this rapidly developing subject, and expertly examines the residence and other fiscal connections for individuals, companies and trusts. The author systematically unravels the tax residence of companies and the resolution of dual residence including specialised residence rules applied to Controlled Foreign Companies, Dual Resident Investing Companies and transfer pricing. The accessible style ensures the reader can quickly grasp the key underlying concepts of residence, ordinary residence and domicile of individuals and fully understand the tests that apply to determine tax liability. All the latest developments are covered, including: Applying the rules in light of HMRC6 Important recent case law: Grace and Genovese, and the Abramovich and Deripaska cases on tax residence Finance Act 2009 provisions on company residence for the foreign dividend exemption Corporation Tax Act 2009 references Residence of trusts: new HMRC guidance Changes to HMRC administrative procedures in relation to residence and domicile status This popular title will prove an invaluable must read for all accountants, lawyers and advisers to individuals and multinational companies. Book jacket.
Booth : Residence, Domicile and UK Taxation