"The author has a very good -- even exceptional knowledge of the primary Wittgenstein material, both published and unpublished. He writes clearly and makes his points succinctly." -- Peter Winch, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign "This is a succinct, incisive account of Wittgenstein's life and of his unique personality, coupled with a straightforward and instructive exegesis and interpretation of the Tractatus and of Wittgenstein's later works. A wonderful piece, delightful to read, and quite informative." -- George R. Lucas, Jr., National Endowment for the Humanities "It is thorough; it is accurate; it is well written. Wittgenstein is a genius of the twentieth century and too many writers (since they themselves are not geniuses) emphasize only one side of Wittgenstein and ignore others.
This book does not do that." -- Stephen Satris, Clemson University "It offers a thorough and sympathetic account of Wittgenstein's development, philosophical insights, and character. It shows a deep understanding of Wittgenstein. It is literate, scholarly without being pedantic, and it utilizes texts and documents, e.g., letters, that are often ignored in Wittgenstein exegesis. The book does not limit itself to just the best known of Wittgenstein's works, i.e.
, Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations, but puts together everything presently available." -- Arnulf Zweig, University of Oregon.