Preface to the Paperback Edition ix Introduction xi PART ONE: ANTECEDENTS Chapter 1: "We Were Sitting Ducks": The World of American Communism 3 Chapter 2: "Red-Baiters, Inc.": The Development of an Anticommunist Network 42 Chapter 3: "In the Interest of National Security": Anticommunism and the Roosevelt Administration 86 PART TWO: REPRESENTATIONS Chapter 4: "They Are Everywhere": The Communist Image 119 Chapter 5: "A Great and Total Danger": The Nature of the Communist Threat 154 PART THREE: INSTRUMENTS Chapter 6: "A Job for Professionals": The FBI and Anticommunism 203 Chapter 7: "In the Gutter": The Anticommunism of Joe McCarthy 240 Chapter 8: "A Badge of Infamy": Anticommunist Economic Sanctions and Political Dismissals 266 PART FOUR: INTERCONNECTIONS Chapter 9: "How Red Is a Valley": Clinton Jencks and His Union 309 Chapter 10: "A Good Deal of Trauma": The Impact of McCarthyism 359 Acknowledgments 417 Abbreviations 419 Sources 421 Notes 431 Index 551.
Many Are the Crimes : McCarthyism in America