"The third installment of Scholes's grand-scale Psalms of Isaak saga . expands the genre-blending narrative in glorious style. A diverse cast of dynamic characters, a tantalizingly labyrinthine mystery, a world full of wonders, and powerful symbolism and imagery power this seamless merging of epic fantasy and science fiction." -- Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) "Scholes continues to show his deft hand at crafting characters, and his penchant for the surprising plot twist is displayed to good effect." -- RT Book Reviews Praise for Canticle " The Psalms of Isaak is a superb series. Scholes' has all the story elements of epic fantasy in place: memorable characters living in a vibrantly complex world of magic and ancient history, with plot twists and revelations sprung at just the right moments. More than that, his storytelling verve and craftsmanship makes his pages sing. He's written scenes of apocalypse and steaming metal men and invisible assassins that I won't be forgetting any time soon.
Really good stuff." -- David Anthony Durham, bestselling author of Acacia, on Canticle "Not only is Scholes a capable world builder, he ably handles the tough task of keeping the series momentum going, intensifying the mystery so deftly that even if readers can't foresee where the story's going, it's clear that the author knows exactly what he's doing." -- Kirkus Reviews (starred review) on Canticle "Ken Scholes has already made the leap from good to great.if you thought Lamentation was impressive, then just wait until you get hold of Canticle ." -- Fantasy Book Critic on Canticle "Scholes adds new layers of mystery and intrigue while fleshing out the compelling characters of one of speculative fiction's most spellbinding new sagas." -- Booklist on Canticle.