Neil C. Schofield is the Managing Director of Financial Markets Training Ltd. and delivers training courses in the areas of treasury, derivatives, capital markets and risk management to financial institutions, central banks and corporations worldwide. Neil was global head of Financial Markets training at Barclays Capital from 2001 to 2008. He teaches primarily on the rates business, covering all of the major asset classes and their respective derivative products from foreign exchange through to commodities. Before joining Barclays Capital, he was a director at Chisholm-Roth Training for 4 years, where he was responsible for provision of training services for a number of blue chip global investment banks. He started his training career at Chase Manhattan Bank, where he was originally employed as an internal auditor. Neil holds a B.
Sc. in Economics from Loughborough University, UK, and an MBA from Manchester Business School, UK. He was elected as a Fellow of the IFS School of Finance (formerly the Chartered Institute of Bankers) in 1999. Neil was appointed as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Reading ICMA Centre, UK, in April, 2007.