"In Mike Schneider's How Many Faces Do You Have?, sensual love is a 'Mixmaster blender'--watch out if the lid is not held down tight! Here is a world where desire is 'a white bird / on naked wind, . never out of sight,' hovering overhead with its 'reedy / screech . mixed / with sorrow.' Painterly, sometimes surreal (think Magritte or Man Ray), Schneider's imagery is both magical and more precise for being so, as in 'Song of the Old Shoes' where 'Across the moon's / penumbra, crows row upstream / in black canoes' and tall grass 'leans back / like Bacall blowing smoke.' A masterful poet, Schneider renders the many faces of love (and loss and longing) in startlingly fresh ways, and when he invites us in the book's closing lines to 'kick / our heels like we mean it & twirl / for happiness that's real,' I gladly join the dance." --Richard Foerster.
How Many Faces Do You Have?