This sequel to Alter Ego: The Best of the Legendary Comics Fanzine presents more fantastic features from the fabled mag begun in 1961 by Jerry Bails & Roy Thomas-covering undiscovered gems from all 11 original issues published between 1961 and 1978! Editors Roy Thomas and Bill Schelly uncover never-revealed secrets about the first super-hero fanzine ever published, with vintage articles about Tor, Hawkman, the Spectre, Blackhawk, the Justice League of America, the All Winners Squad, Robotman, Wonder Woman, the Heap, the Lensmen/Green Lantern connection, and so much more! Plus rarely-seen comics stories by Joe Kubert (a gorgeous, unsold "Tor" newspaper strip), Ronn Foss ("The Eclipse"), and Roy Thomas and Sam Grainger (adapting Gardner Fox's novel "Warrior of Llarn"), as well as Roy's entire "Bestest League of America" parody, collected for the first time ever! There's even a never-before-reprinted 1977 interview with Jean Giraud ("Moebius"), plus special sections on Bails' adzine The Comicollector and on "the A/E #10 that almost was"! It's all behind a classic cover of Gardner Fox and his greatest creations by then-future Marvel artist Sam Grainger!.
The Best of Alter Ego Volume 2