Characters from Scooby-Doo cartoons introduce different locations in a guessing game format. An initial spread shows an unnamed setting, with cartoon images set against photographs. Hints from text and photos prompt readers to guess the setting. In one example, the friends are on "a big vehicle that makes a lot of stops" (Transportation). A page turn reveals a photo of a bus and offers three historical facts about the vehicle. The learning content includes basic introductory information and random facts. Characters interact via word balloons, often sharing intentionally labored puns that match the humor of the cartoon, as when Scooby fills up at a "grass station" in the grassland habitat (Habitats). Various villains from the series can be spotted hiding in many of the scenes; these are identified at the end of each book.
VERDICT Limited use for learners, but the cartoon tie-ins and interactive elements will appeal to some readers.