In this riveting new action fantasy series, an ordinary guy named Ray White somehow gains admission to Arnold Academy of Magic, a school for elite magicians. But could he be connected to the mighty Iceblade Sorcerer of legend? An addictive fantasy manga with a classic feel from the editorial team behind FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest and Shaman King: FAUST8. A Shadow in the Trees None of Ray White's classmates at Arnold Academy of Magic knows that he is actually the legendary Iceblade Sorcerer, believed to be the mightiest of the Seven Great Sorcerers. Joined by a motley band of new friends, Ray faces his first practical test in the Kafka Forest. Just then, he senses something off around them. He dashes off alone to investigate, only to find himself face-to-face with a mysterious assassin. Can Ray stand against the man's strange and terrible powers.?.
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World 2