BL The most comprehensive study yet of the ancient art of IslamiccalligraphyThe Nasser D. Khalili Collection holds examples of Islamic calligraphy thatspan six centuries and demonstrate the continuity of this central art form intothe modern era. The holdings - nearly 300 in total - include exceptional itemsthat feature the work of many of the most famous master calligraphers, includingSeyh Hamdullah and Hafiz Osman.The author discusses items from the Collection under nine headings thatexemplify the variety of the artform and the discipline required to master it:mufradat (exercises from the calligraphic curriculum); muraqqa'at (collectionsof calligraphic samples); and hilyahs (treatments of the description of theProphet) form the major sections, and there are studies of ijazahs (certificatesof competence in the art), karalama (rough copy work), decoupage (cut work),kalib-making (stencilled reproductions), the miniature ghubar script, and leafgilding.
The Art of the Pen : Calligraphy of the 14th to 20th Centuries