Sexy Magnetic You : Commit to YOur Inner Soul Mate and Become Magnetic Love
Sexy Magnetic You : Commit to YOur Inner Soul Mate and Become Magnetic Love
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Author(s): Smith, Vanessa
ISBN No.: 9780578173566
Year: 201608
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 27.59
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

Sexy Magnetic You Are You Ready for the Perfect Empowerment Rocket Ship Fueled by Unconditional Love and Dynamic Self Awareness? If you enjoyed, "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It" by Kamal Ravikant and "Ask and It Is Given," by Ester Hicks and Jerry Hicks, then you will love SEXY MAGNETIC YOU Vanessa Smith is a bona fide DEMOLITION COACH who can help you to destroy your inner and outer obstacles by demolishing your limiting beliefs. When we destroy our limiting beliefs we can build true fulfillment in the here and now, embracing our truest happiness by being the creators of our lives. Sexy Magnetic You invites you to DISCOVER Your Own Inner Soulmate The Endless Source of LOVE within YOU The Diamonds in the Bullshit The Most Cutting-Edge Personal Empowerment Tools to Transform and Heal Your LIFE Vanessa Smith explores the endless possibilities available to us when we bravely decide to heal our wounds and take ownership of our beautiful lives.

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