The No-Nonsense Guide to Born-digital Content
The No-Nonsense Guide to Born-digital Content
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Author(s): Bowden, Heather
Ryan, Heather
ISBN No.: 9781783302567
Pages: 240
Year: 201804
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 162.79
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Foreword - Trevor Owens Introduction What is born-digital content? Why is this important? About the book Additional resources Representing the world of libraries and archives 1. Digital information basics What is digital information? Hexadecimal Digital file types Storage media Command line basics Code repositories Conclusion Further reading 2. Selection Types of born-digital content Format- versus content-driven collecting decisions Mission statements, collecting policies and donor agreements Gift agreements Stanford University's approach to selection in web archiving Conclusion Further reading 3.Acquisition, accessioning and ingest Principles in acquisition Acquisition of born-digital material on a physical carrier Checksums and checksum algorithms Acquisition of network-born materials Accession Ingest Conclusion Further reading 4.Description General fields and types of information Descriptive standards and element sets General element sets Descriptive systems Use cases Conclusion Further reading 5. Digital preservation storage and strategies A note on acquisition A note on file formats Thinking about storage Certification Digital preservation policy Conclusion Further reading 6. Access Deciding on your access strategy Methods of access Use case Conclusion Further reading 7. Designing and implementing workflows A note on tools Design principles Workflow and policy Examples Case study Conclusion Further reading 8.

New and emerging areas in born-digital materials Technology in general Storage Software and apps Cloud technologies Smartphones Digital art and new media Emerging descriptive and access methods Growing your skills Conclusion Further reading Conclusion.

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