WordPress on Demand will cover both WordPress.com and WordPress.org in a visual, step-by-step format. In addition to offering detailed guidance on how to complete dozens of common WordPress tasks, this book will provide real-world advice and suggestions on how to save time, avoid frustration, and create a high-quality, well-designed site that attracts an audience and achieves results. WordPress on Demand will be based on WordPress version 3.5.1. In this book, readers will learn how to: *; Decide between hosted WordPress.
com and self-hosted WordPress (WordPress.org)*; Choose the right domain name and web host *; Set up a WordPress website in minutes*; Configure WordPress settings that control privacy, search engine visibility, and more*; Choose, install, and customize themes*; Create, format, and manage pages and posts*; Add media files including images, audio, video, and documents*; Choose, install, and customize sidebar widgets *; Choose, install, and configure self-hosted WordPress plugins*; Add and manage custom menus*; Make the most of WordPress.com free and premium features*; Create and manage a site with multiple users*; Manage user comments and comment spam*; Import, export, and back up WordPress sites*; Design a site that works on mobile devices Bonus content includes: *; Workshops that show readers how to enhance their feeds, create a private WordPress site, optimize their site for search engines, and more *; Shortcuts, advice, and cautions to save time and frustration*; Design tips to help readers create a high-quality site even if they have no design background*; Recommended plugins and themes.