Preface About the Contributors Introduction EMINENT CREATORS: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS AND CREATIVITY Creativity and Mental Illness: Prevalence Rates in Writers and Their First-Degree Relatives Mood Disorders and Patterns of Creativity in British Writers and Artists Creative Achievement and Psychopathology: Comparison Among Professions Creativity, Mental Health, and Alcoholism EVERYDAY CREATORS: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS AND CREATIVITY Creativity, Preference for Complexity, and Physical and Mental Illness Creativity in Manic-Depressives, CyHardcoverymes, Their Normal Relatives, and Control Subjects Mood Swings and Creativity Schizotypal and Hypomanic Traits Creativity, and Psychological Health PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH AND CREATIVITY Adaption and Resilient Coping: Disorders of the Pathways Involved in the Creative Process The Healing Power of Art: The Case of James Ensor The Healing Power of Music: Some Observations on the Semiotic Function of Transitional Objects in Musical Communication Enhanced Well-Being and Self-Actualization: Creativity and Mental Health in Everyday Life Growth From Deficiency Creativity to Being Creativity Creativity and Self-Actualization Neurological and Immunological Factors: Dual Brain, Creativity, and Health Disclosure of Traumas and Immune Function: Health Implications for Psychotherapy Lifespan Issues: The Creative Thinking and Ego Functioning of Children Family Adaptability, Cohesion, and Creativity. Creativity in Old Age SOCIETAL HEALTH AND CREATIVITY Feature Article: Political Pathology and Societal Creativity Commentaries: Societal Creativity: Problems with Pathology Four Frames for the Study of Creativity The Origin of Creative Achievement: Spontaneity, Responsibility, and Individuals Innovation, Illegitimacy, and Individualism The Accidental Economist Psychological Mediators of the Inverse Pathology-Creativity Effect Anabolic and Catabolic Factors in the Creative Process Rejoinder: Monsieur Appends Reflections INTEGRATING PERSONAL PATTERNS AND SOCIETAL POSSIBILITIES The Clash of Sociotal Philosophies and Personalities in the Nuclear Arms Control Debate: A Healthful Dialectic? Creative Altruism, Cooperation, and World Peace EVOLUTION OF CREATIVITY, INFORMATION, AND OURSELVES Conclusions: When Illness Yields Creativity Author Index Subject Index.
Eminent Creativity, Everyday Creativity, and Health : New Work on the Creativity/Health Interface