Contents: M.A. Runco, Introduction. ARNHEIM AWARD ADDRESS TO DIVISION 10 OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION: F. Barron, Film as Art and Psychology. ARTICLES: J. Li, Creativity in Horizontal and Vertical Domains. M.
S. Lindauer, L. Orwoll, M.C. Kelley, Aging Artists on the Creativity of Their Old Age. M.K. Raina, "Most Dear to All the Muses": Mapping Tagorean Networks of Enterprise -- A Study in Creative Complexity.
S.M. Rostan, A Study of Young Artists: The Development of Artistic Talent and Creativity. G. Domino, I Giuliani, Creativity in Three Samples of Photographers: A Validation of the Adjective Check List Creativity Scale. R.F. Falk, J.
B. Manzanero, N.B. Miller, Developmental Potential in Venezuelan and American Artists: A Cross-Cultural Validity Study. E. Jones, The Case Against Objectifying Art. L.A.
Overby, III, Enthusiasm Versus Self-Possession: The Art of Psychological Science. K. Jones, M.A. Runco, C. Dorinan, D.C. Freeland, Influential Factors in Artists' Lives and Themes in Their Artwork.
J. Nemiro, Interpretive Artists: A Qualitative Exploration of the Creative Process of Actors. M. Porath, P.K. Arlin, Developmental Approaches to Artistic Giftedness. R.J.
Kirschenbaum, S.M. Reis, Conflicts in Creativity: Talented Female Artists. M-A. Mace, Toward an Understanding of Creativity Through a Qualitative Appraisal of Contemporary Art Making. BOOK REVIEW: J. Pïïrto, On Frank Barron's No Rootless Flower: An Ecology of Creativity.