This book contains copies of all Dr. Gatling's original Gatling Gun patent and patent drawings from the United States Patent Office. Also included are the patent drawings of the Broadwell Drum Feed, Bruce feed and Accles feed that was used on Colt Gatling Guns. Shortly after the outbreak of the American Civil War, Dr. Richard J. Gatling began work on his most famous invention. A prototype gun was made late in 1861 and was demonstrated in Indianapolis early in 1862. On November 4, 1862, Dr.
Gatling received the first of his 10 patents for the famous gun that etched his name into history forever. The Gatling Gun was sometimes called by Dr. Gatling, Colt Firearms Company and the United States Patent Office as a battery gun, rotating battery gun, rotating cannon and machine gun. When the 'œmodern' machine gun was made, it was referred to as an automated machine gun. These patent drawings provide a step back in time to view a technically advanced 19th century weapon that changed history.