Thou Spleeny Swag-Bellied Miscreant : Create Your Own Shakespearean Insults
Thou Spleeny Swag-Bellied Miscreant : Create Your Own Shakespearean Insults
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Author(s): Hofer, Jillian
Royal, Sarah
ISBN No.: 9780762453214
Pages: 128
Year: 201402
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 17.87
Status: Out Of Print

Terms and phrases lifted from the works of Shakespeare and displayed on pages split into three to allow users to create multi-word combinations that approximate Shakespearean insults."Tired of the common F-word? Give your foul language a literary twist! Some occasions call for a tart-tongued insult, but why resort to commonplace modern-day words? If you must be offensive, hearken back to the Elizabethan days for more salacious and outrageous word choices. Impress your friends with your mastery of lewd iambic pentameter, and vanquish your enemies with the power of the bard. After all, a toad-spotted maggot by any other name would be as pestilent . Mix and match to come up with your own raucous rebuffs, including: Thou Foul-Reeking Lily-Livered Codpiece! Thou Ruttish Rump-Fed Pignut! Thou Beslubbering Cockeyed Canker-blossom! And a multitude of other bawdy combinations!" -- page [4] of cover.

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