HEALING LYME WITH BEE VENOM THERAPYThere is a ride in Disneyworld that shrinks a doctor down to a microscopic level and injects her into the bloodstream of a patient to find and heal the chronic illness. But we don't have to wait for medical science to catch up with Disneyworld. We each have an inner physician within us who has gone to sleep, like Rip Van Winkle.It is imperative for Lyme patients (especially Late Stage/Chronic Lyme) to wake up their own inner physician. If this were an easy task, we would already have remedies for Lyme and many other chronic conditions. But waking up that inner physician is not so easy. You cannot just kiss Sleeping Beauty and wake her up.Bee venom is the only natural substance I know of that really wakes up this physician in such a powerful way that it cannot be ignored or go back to sleep.
Since bee venom is a poison, a toxic substance, its entrance into the body creates an emergency situation and forces the body to go through a cascade of reactions. In the process it cleans up any underlying conditions. The melittin in bee venom must kill the Lyme spirochetes that are hiding out deep inside the body. TESTIMONIALSDIVEGIRL DEBIE ELDER:I love the baby BVTers! I miss those days of firsts.how fun it is this process of discovery, this ability to finally have your health in your own hands. Ya all have me grinning with you. Enjoy the journey; you'll likely never bee this sick again.Hugs to you all, with love, especially Amber Rose.
She is a true gem and I love her. She's a gift to our community.SHONAGH HOME AUTHOR, TEACHER, PUBLIC SPEAKERAmber Rose is a walking treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge regarding the powerful practice of bee venom therapy (BVT). She couples her wealth of experience as an accomplished acupuncturist with BVT - applying bees to meridian points along the body for optimum healing effects. I consider her to be the real thing - a modern medicine woman who possesses integrity, humility and warmth, along with a keen sense of how to heal the body effectively. I am deeply grateful for the time I have spent learning from this incredible healer.BF:Amber Rose turns suffering into gold! ~ Transformational alchemy is the true meaning of Forever Amber Rose! Immemorial sap.hardened into a beautiful jewel that lives on forever! Seek her out! Carry her around in your heart.
Learn her secrets. Heal your soul!REV.LORENA D. GONZALEZ, MS, L.AC.:To this day. I have never felt energy the way I did after receiving life from a bee. Amazing.
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