In this age of adulteration we know not what we eat, and as canning is so simple an operation, it is unfortunate that so many people use food put up at factories, consequently the author sends this little book out as a missionary, with a wish that it may remedy this evil, and prove both helpful and acceptable.The maxim that "practice makes perfect" applies admirably to preserving. While the recipes contained herein are as simply and explicitly described as possible, to insure perfect success time must not be considered and the greatest care taken.Sarah Tyson Rorer was an American food writer and pioneer in the field of domestic science. Rorer has been described as the first American dietitian. In 1884 she founded the Philadelphia School of Cookery.She was President of the women's auxiliary board of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua. She was editor and part owner of "Table Talk" from 1886 to 1892, was an editor of "Household News" from 1893 to 1897, then was a member of the staff of the "Ladies Home Journal" until 1911 when Good Housekeeping secured her services.
Canning and Preserving