[.] Roos's study at last provides the foundation for any assessment of [Dr. Martin Lister's] significance. Her meticulous research into Lister's life and work, full of unexpected connections and curiosities, will be welcomed by anyone who wishes to dive into the study of nature in the later sevententh and early eighteenth centuries.Harold J. Cook (Brown University), Renaissance Quarterly , Vol. 65, No. 4 (Winter 2012), pp.
1235-1236, DOI: 10.1086/669391[.] the biography of Lister should be seen as an innovative and valuable contribution to the historical, social and cultural understanding of 'scientific' persona and practice in the seventeenth century.Palmira Fontes Da Costa, British Journal for the History of Science , 2012: 293-294It is in this marriage that Roos achieves, between Lister's technical work and her biographical account of him, that her book is exemplary. It is a compelling work to read,written in a lively, even racy style, which communicates well the author's 'creative flights of fancy'.Anthony Turner, Notes Rec. R. Soc.
published online June 20, 2012Delightfully rendered.[this] superb biography of the 17th-century polymath Martin Lister is a pleasure to read.Tim Birkhead, Times Higher Education 27 October 2011At long last, one of the most versatile and influential naturalists of the second half of the seventeenth century receives the comprehensive intellectual biography he so eminently deserves. Availing herself of a rich archive, Anna Marie Roos presents a vivid portrayal of Martin Lister as a consummate researcher, and a complex individual, whose scientific researches and personal contacts contributed to the maturation of several domains of natural history as well as to strengthening the bounds of the community that practiced them.Mordechai Feingold, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.