I am seventy-six-years old, and have been studying the Bible since the age of nine years old. After finishing High School, I spent four years in the U.S. Air Force, after which I completed four years of college, where my major was History, and my minor was in Bible. I graduated with a BA degree. After finishing college, I married my wife, who I had met in college. We have now been married for fifty-one years. I am very concerned about the direction in which our country is going.
Our country has been built into the most powerful country in the world, based on freedom, and a strong belief and commitment to God. On our money is the inscription: In God We Trust. The basis for basic laws of our Constitution was the Ten Commandments. I am concerned about the way our country is turning away from God. It is my conviction that God has been preparing me to speak up God, in an effort to combat the efforts of those who would take God out of our country's life. It is my belief, that this problem in our country is far more important than any fiscal or monetary problem, that we will ever face. We cannot put all of the blame on our politicians. It was the citizens who put them into office by voting.
It is my hope and prayer, that enough individuals will read this book, to make a difference in our eroding Christian values.