"My First Book of Tagalog Words" is a beautifully illustrated book that introduces young children to Filipino language and culture through everyday words. The words profiled in this book are all commonly used in the Filipino language and are both informative and fun for English-speaking children to learn. The goals of "My First Book of Tagalog Words" are multiple: to familiarize children with the sounds and structure of the Tagalog language; to introduce core elements of Filipino culture; to illustrate the ways in which languages differ in their treatment of everyday sounds; and to show how, through cultural importation, a single word can be shared between languages. Both teachers and parents will welcome the book's cultural references, and appreciate how the book is organized in a familiar ABC structure. With the help of this book, we hope more children (and adults) will soon be a part of the 22 million people worldwide that speak Tagalog.
My First Book of Tagalog Words : Filipino Rhymes and Verses