"The authentic foundation of all true religion is the rediscovery of the defaced image of God inside of the human person, inside of this world, in what will always feel like the naked and empty now. This is the ladder to heaven, and it is everywhere." -- Richard Rohr , from this book "About twenty years ago, Fr. Richard Rohr wrote a little treasure especially (though not exclusively) for men. I'm thrilled that it is now available to a new generation of readers. In the years since Soul Brothers was originally written, there has been an ugly resurgence of toxic masculinity--in the culture at large, but especially in many religious communities. I've had the privilege of working more closely with Richard over recent years, as his health and strength have waned. Over these years, I've been a close witness to one of his sweetest qualities: he has never thought that his life was about him.
Instead, he has always been focused on the larger work of God in this world, and he has seen himself as but one humble servant, doing what he can with what he has been given in that larger creative work of the Spirit. As you read his reflections on these soul brothers, I hope you will be caught up in that same deep insight . that your life is not about you: it's about love, the divine love that fires the stars and inspires your breath. Your great privilege is to live your days as one human being dancing in love's wild and holy rhythm." -- Brian D. McLaren , from the new foreword.