Ash Glazes : Techniques and Glazing from Natural Sources
Ash Glazes : Techniques and Glazing from Natural Sources
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Author(s): Rogers, Hajeong Lee
Rogers, Phil
ISBN No.: 9781789940947
Pages: 192
Year: 202310
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 55.20
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Updated and revised, the 3rd edition of Ash Glazes examines the practicalities of collecting and testing wood ashes, the process of making them into glazes and using them to glaze your wares. Forever curious and eager to learn new things about ceramics, Phil Rogers constantly tinkered with clay bodies, glaze formulas and approaches to firing. Ash Glazes is his seminal work on transforming ash into glaze: a core, essential text for all potters and ceramicists, with additional relevance for today with its focus on natural resources. Ash Glazes examines the practicalities of collecting and testing wood ashes, demonstrates the process of making them into glazes and applying them to your wares, step by step. This edition, revised and updated by Hajeong Lee Rogers and featuring new photographs and comments throughout, is a celebration of pottery at its best. From the history of ash glazes, designed as an introduction, to practical advice and methods, this book is infused with a freshness and breadth that includes a wide appreciation of international artist potters using ash in colourful and imaginative ways, providing inspiration for working potters and delight for all those interested in contemporary ceramics.

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