Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts Chapter 2: Posture Section I: Fundamentals of Posture Section II: Postural Alignment Section III: Postural Examination Section IV: Posture of Children Section V: Scoliosis Chapter 3: Head and Face Section I: Innervation Section II: Facial and Eye Muscles Section III: Muscles of Deglutition Chapter 4: Neck Section I: Innervation and Movements Section II: Neck Muscles Section III: Neck Muscle Tests Section IV: Painful Conditions Section V: Treatment Chapter 5: Trunk and Respiratory Muscles Section I: Trunk Section II: Abdominal Muscles Section III: Painful Conditions of Low Back Section IV: Muscles of Respiration Chapter 6: Upper Extremity and Shoulder Girdle Section I: Innervation Section II: Hand, Wrist, Forearm, and Elbow Section III: Shoulder Section IV: Painful Conditions of Upper Back Section V: Case Studies Case 1: Radial Nerve Lesion Case 2: Radial, Median, and Ulnar Nerve Case 3: Probable C5 Lesion Case 4: Lateral and Medial Cord Case 5: Spinal Nerve and Muscle Chart Case 6: Stretch Weakness Superimposed on a Peripheral Nerve Injury Chapter 7: Lower Extremity Section I: Innervation Section II: Joint Movement Section III: Muscle Strength Tests Section IV: Painful Conditions Case 1: Peroneal Nerve Injury Case 2: Lumbosacral Nerves Case 3: L5 Lesion Case 4: Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case 5: Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case 6: Polio Appendix A : Spinal Segment Distribution to Nerves and Muscles Appendix B : Isolated Paralysis of the Serratus Anterior Muscle.
Muscles : Testing and Testing and Function, with Posture and PainFunction, with Posture and Pain