This, the first installment of a trilogy is set in Edwardian Cornwall. It tells the story of Francis Dicken growing up the son of a widow. His mother takes a position as housekeeper to a wealthy businessman, living in his home she spends less time with her son.Francis grows resentful of the wealth and privilege that excludes him. Causing him to become a loner. With the Great War looming, he is reluctant to join the fighting, not wanting to fight in what he sees as a rich man's war but towards the end of the story, he is forced by circumstance to leave his home to seek anonymity within army ranks.Woven into the narrative is his journey through his innocence, to become an exploiter of sexual opportunity. Frank as he prefers to be called, is a liar and deceiver using everyone in his life to his own advantage.
He doesn't realize that he has been as much used by the women in his life as he has used them.This is not the stuff of Barbara Cartland but gives more than a passing nod to Winston Graham's Poldark novels and EL James, Fifty Shades of Grey.The second installment "Franks Conflict" will be published next year.