Inspiring stories of celebrities and locals who made their presence known in Wisconsin Discover intriguing true tales of legends and trailblazers who left their mark on Wisconsin's history and communities, including the Beatles, Georgia O'Keeffe, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Harrison Ford, Joni Mitchell, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Bob Dylan, Jackie Robinson, Orson Welles, and many more. Marvel at Elvis Presley's miracle on the streets of Madison, applaud the award-winning acting of Reedsburg's Agnes Moorehead, follow fearless quarterback Bart Starr to the gates of hell in Green Bay, and join Joshua Glover in Racine on his daring escape from enslavers. These brief narratives--whether poignant or humorous--also offer personal reflections on the impact of each featured idol. Author Dean Robbins has spent a lifetime researching and revering these prominent figures and visiting exhibits, shrines, historic homes, and other sites dedicated to their achievements. Wisconsin Idols gathers all of Robbins's obsessions into one collection, enhanced by dozens of photographs. Taken together, these stories of musicians, activists, artists, athletes, actors, and great thinkers irrefutably establish Wisconsin as a crossroads for extraordinary people who changed the world.
Wisconsin Idols : 100 Heroes Who Changed the State, the World, and Me