Preface; Organization of This Book; Other Resources; Using Code Examples; Conventions; How to Contact Us; SafariĀ® Books Online; Acknowledgments;Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 The Excitement of Linux; 1.2 Distribution and Support; 1.3 Commands on Linux; 1.4 What This Book Offers; 1.5 Sources and Licenses; 1.6 Beginner's Guide;Chapter 2: System and Network Administration Overview; 2.1 Common Commands; 2.
2 Overview of Networking; 2.3 Overview of TCP/IP; 2.4 Overview of Firewalls and Masquerading; 2.5 Overview of NFS; 2.6 Overview of NIS; 2.7 Administering NIS; 2.8 RPC and XDR;Chapter 3: Linux Commands; 3.1 Alphabetical Summary of Commands;Chapter 4: Boot Methods; 4.
1 The Boot Process; 4.2 LILO: The Linux Loader; 4.3 GRUB: The Grand Unified Bootloader; 4.4 GRUB Commands; 4.5 Dual-Booting Linux and Windows 2000/XP/Vista; 4.6 Boot-Time Kernel Options; 4.7 initrd: Using a RAM Disk;Chapter 5: Package Management; 5.1 Yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified; 5.
2 The Red Hat Package Manager; 5.3 The Debian Package Manager;Chapter 6: The Bash Shell; 6.1 Overview of Features; 6.2 Invoking the Shell; 6.3 Syntax; 6.4 Functions; 6.5 Variables; 6.6 Arithmetic Expressions; 6.
7 Command History; 6.8 Job Control; 6.9 Command Execution; 6.10 Restricted Shells; 6.11 Built-in Commands;Chapter 7: Pattern Matching; 7.1 Filenames Versus Patterns; 7.2 Metacharacters; 7.3 Metacharacters, Listed by Program; 7.
4 Examples of Searching;Chapter 8: The Emacs Editor; 8.1 Conceptual Overview; 8.2 Command-Line Syntax; 8.3 Summary of Commands by Group; 8.4 Summary of Commands by Key; 8.5 Summary of Commands by Name;Chapter 9: The vi, ex, and vim Editors; 9.1 Conceptual Overview; 9.2 Command-Line Syntax; 9.
3 Review of vi Operations; 9.4 vi Commands; 9.5 vi Configuration; 9.6 ex Basics; 9.7 Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands;Chapter 10: The sed Editor; 10.1 Conceptual Overview; 10.2 Command-Line Syntax; 10.3 Syntax of sed Commands; 10.
4 Group Summary of sed Commands; 10.5 Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands;Chapter 11: The gawk Programming Language; 11.1 Conceptual Overview; 11.2 Command-Line Syntax; 11.3 Patterns and Procedures; 11.4 Built-in Variables; 11.5 Operators; 11.6 Variable and Array Assignment; 11.
7 User-Defined Functions; 11.8 gawk-Specific Features; 11.9 Implementation Limits; 11.10 Group Listing of awk Functions and Commands; 11.11 Alphabetical Summary of awk Functions and Commands; 11.12 ;Chapter 12: Source Code Management: An Overview; 12.1 Introduction and Terminology; 12.2 Usage Models; 12.
3 Source Code Management Systems; 12.4 Other Source Code Management Systems;Chapter 13: The Subversion Version Control System; 13.1 Conceptual Overview; 13.2 The Subversion Command Line Client: svn; 13.3 Repository Administration: svnadmin; 13.4 Examining the Repository: svnlook; 13.5 Providing Remote Access: svnserve;Chapter 14: The Git Version Control System; 14.1 Conceptual Overview; 14.
2 Using Git: A Quick Tour; 14.3 The Git Command Line Client: git;Chapter 15: Virtualization Command-Line Tools; 15.1 Conceptual Overview; 15.2 Basic Virtualization Operations; 15.3 Xen; 15.4 KVM; 15.5 libvirt and Red Hat Virtual Machine Manager; 15.6 libvirt and Virtual Machine Manager Commands; 15.
7 VMware ESX 3.5; 15.8 VMware Networking;Colophon;.