Smuggler's Pass : A Wild Hex-Crawl Through the Shipping Lanes for Level 10 Characters, Also Trucks
THE RACE IS ON across the shipping lanes of the desert, jungle, and ocean!TOO BAD it's a decoy for what the Incinerator Triplets are actually after¿ the Black Pyramid and the dreams of an unborn god. TOO BAD EYE-RBBR, the tire god, is arriving by sea turning everything to tar. TOO BAD the Merfolk on the backs of hammer-jaguars, taken to civil war, have seized the jungle. TOO BAD the Raiders of the Kingdom of Men are pillaging everything in their quest for the once and future kart. TOO BAD the dragons (all FOURTEEN of them) have awoken. GOOD THING, it's not a race ITS AN ADVENTURE.