This is the fifth of the floater group.As I've said a few times before, I don't like my books to become too repetitive, so I've put a fewthings in this story to make it different. Al is a Floater, but he is a little different. He gets introuble and as a result he is given an option to avoid serious jail time.The story also considers a few questions about Christianity that I am certain many people havepondered.Many will be glad to know that there is a villainous controller but even he is a little different. Alknows controllers as well as any floater does and this controller has one practice that has Al alittle confused.Oh.
You don't know what floaters or controllers are. Ideally, you might want to go back andread the first in this of books, "The Floater." While these books are not intended to read in anysequence, it might be a good idea to the first one first. It establishes many of the premises thatthe rest of the stories in the group. Other than the premises, the stories are not related.In this case. All Alex want is a peaceful life repairing diesel engines.However, things keep getting in the way.
I'll let you decide if that is good or bad.