"A wisdom-filled memoir that doubles as a sweeping travelogue reaching from Boston to Sardinia and back again. Gorgeously written and culturally astute." -The Boston Globe "Pamela Reynolds writes with an abundance of wit, warmth, and grace -- the same qualities with which she lives her life" -Ed Siegel, founding editor and critic-at-large at WBUR's The ARTery "Beautifully constructed, evocative, and emotional, this author's first non-fiction story will capture your heart and mind. Read it, and you will find yourself there too. It shouts: When is the movie coming out?" -Karen Gross, author and educator; former President of Southern Vermont College and Senior Advisor to the U.S. Department of Education "A delightful tale embodying both the American and Italian fascination with house and home." -Plinio Innocenzi, author of The Innovators Behind Leonardo "It was so absorbing.
AND the writing is terrific. I feel like I just finished a huge bag of potato chips and lost track of time." -Jane Simon, former graphic designer, The Boston Globe.