'From these pages, as from others of Salomon Resnik's work, there shines forth a sort of empathic and sometimes affectionate respect for the suffering of the patient, whom he always seeks to individualize, to perceive as a person; and he is also helped by his deep knowledge not only of psychiatry, but also of philosophical phenomenology. To this is added a sort of modesty, which is almost always there in Salomon Resnik's relationships with the patients for whom he is caring. In comparison with the arrogantly paternalistic patronizing tone of so much contemporary psychoanalysis - in which the analyst is too often transformed into a sort of "psychoagogue" - a teacher of the psyche - or in which the experimental science, which seems to triumph today even in our field, basically reduces the patient to a "thing", forgetting the person - these pages should teach us all to remember a famous Latin saying that seems to condense many aspects of Salomon Resnik's work: "homo sum, nihil humani a me alienum puto" - "I am a human being, and I consider nothing belonging to humanity as alien to me".'- From the Foreword by Riccardo Steiner.
Mental Space